Posts tagged ‘gop’

Politics after last election

Politics after last election
via Graph Jam

August 10, 2009 at 8:01 pm Leave a comment

Most GOP county votes hypocritical – gets most aid but always votes anti-tax

The self-hating welfare people?  They hate welfare, vote against it, complain about those on welfare or receiving aid from the government, but then make the most use of it… as the saying goes, when you point your finger at someone you have three pointing right back at you…

Sprawling across the northeastern corner of California, this huge, thickly forested county with more cows than people epitomizes the Western frontier – and what seems to be a two-faced political ideology.

Modoc has the highest Republican registration of any county in California, it unfailingly elects anti-tax Republicans to office, and the vote here against last month’s ballot measure that would have raised a variety of taxes was one of the most lopsided in the state. And yet, per capita, Modoc County gets more state taxpayer dollars than all but one of California’s 58 counties.

The prevailing attitude among the right-wing ranchers and modern hippies who define Modoc County is of fierce self-reliance – but more people here than just about anywhere else depend on welfare checks of some kind to get by.

So with state Republicans blocking new taxes and insisting on deep cuts in taxpayer-funded services, does that make this most solid of GOP bases politically conflicted? Or, worse, just plain ignorant?

via State’s most conservative county uses much cash.

June 30, 2009 at 1:55 pm 1 comment


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