Archive for November, 2009

Top ten talk in Tucson

In case you are wondering about what radio talk shows people in Tucson are listening too, here’s a break down of the top 10.

There 3 different stations represented here.  I think it is safe to say that KNST (aka “K-nasty”) is a strong conservative station, with Rush, Hannity, Parisi, and Beck filling their airwaves.  Jon Justice, also a conservative (see below), is from KQTH.

The rest of the list is made up of KUAZ shows, the local NPR station. NPR has been increasing in membership lately… there is hope!

Half of the 10 highest rated programs on talk stations are on the University of Arizona-owned station. Clear Channel’s KNST has four in the top 10 and Justice’s show is the only show to make the top 10 on Journal Broadcast Group’s the Truth.

via Media Technology : A change of channels and Glenn Beck finds his audience in Tucson

Regarding Jon Justice, please enjoy the following video he made mocking Isabel Garcia, humanitarian who works with human rights issues in Tucson, AZ. You decide for yourself what to call it.

November 27, 2009 at 3:12 pm Leave a comment

Are we more advanced than our recent ancestors?

The state of humanity and how we treat our fellow man is beyond the scope of this discussion, so let us just focus on scientific achievement in modern times. We begin with a simple example of progress — that of travel and taking care of human needs while traveling.

via Is Green the new Red: Progress.

November 19, 2009 at 12:59 am Leave a comment

Facebook | Your Videos: Arizona on Fire

Part of a documentary short exploring the origins of divine intercessions, the linguistics of speaking in tongues, possession by the Holy Spirit, power of prophesy, and other evangelical tools of ministry.

Is it real, or is it all in the mind? But what is in the mind seems real to the person, so thus it’s all real, or at least it seems so.

Is this the type of church that Jesus would attend?

Vodpod videos no longer available.

more about "Facebook | Your Videos: Arizona on Fire", posted with vodpod

November 17, 2009 at 10:03 pm Leave a comment


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